

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shay & Louis Visit CanKata

January 17-26: the days we got to visit Shay and Louis (they actually arrived very late on January 16 and left in the wee morning hours of January 27).

We had a wonderful time getting to know our niece and her hubby. When we were living in Canada, we were separated by many miles and didn’t see each other much at all. So it was good to have them just to ourselves for ten days.

Here’s what we did together:
-         ate Thai food regularly, and sometimes pizza (and hamburgers once)
-         biked around Nai Yang
-         went to two Quiz Nights at the Dewa and discovered how little we knew
-         snorkelled
-         went to the local market (where the fish smells upset the baby-to-be)
-         sailed on the west coast of Phuket
-         watched the sun set and marvelled at the beauty of the night sky
-         visited our Thai friends and cruisers from around the world
-         had an exquisite brunch at the Indigo Pearl
-         toured Phuket and visited the Big Buddha
-         went to the Aphrodite cabaret
-         chatted and laughed and reminisced
-         planned Marleen & Larry’s Thailand itinerary

Here’s what Shay and Louis wrote in our Guest Log:

“(S:) Thank you both for making our trip to Thailand an experience we won’t forget. You have shown us much more than what we had expected coming here. It was a long trip, but we both agree it was worth it! We can’t thank you guys enough for all the organized events you planned for us to see Thailand.

My favourite part of the trip was snorkelling for my first time. It will be something I will do on more trips to come. And of course spending time with my uncle and auntie. It was nice to get to know you both more than what I remember as a little girl.

(L:) My favourite part of coming to Thailand was learning how to sail and taking CanKata by the helm. Thank you for helping us arrange our tours to see the sites of Thailand.

(S:) We really appreciate you letting us use your new condo to stay in during our holidays!

Love always, Shay and Louis”

And now some photos …

On CanKata in Nai Yang Bay at sunset.
Playing "Farkle" on CanKata.
Walking along Nai Yang Beach.
On the way to do some "plane spotting".
In Nai Yang Park ... uncle in the background.
Louis at the helm ... uncle in the background.
Shay in the cockpit ... uncle in the background.
At our unit at the Dewa in Nai Yang
Tidying lines on CanKata.
Bow-riding on CanKata.
Kayaking in the caves at Phang Nga Bay.
Getting ready for the dinghy ride to CanKata ... uncle in the background.
We had our last supper at this restaurant.
Thanks for the treat, guys.
Wishing you all the best.